Tag Archives: dreams

Moving Past “No”

Moving Past “No”

“Yes,” “No,” or “Wait.”  I’ve been told all of my life as a believer that God always answers our prayers and His answer is one of the three.  Technically, wait is a yes answer.  A not now yes.

The Lord is faithful to provide for His children and I firmly believe that He knows what is best for all of us.  I know that even His wait answers work out for the best for those who are willing to trust Him.

I have prayed many prayers over the years and I have received answers to all of my prayers.  Of course, whenever the answer was what I expected, I was very happy.  On the occasions I did not like the answers, I accepted them, maybe through tears, but I accepted them.

Last Monday morning, during my fellowship with the Lord, I received an answer to a petition that I’ve had before the Lord for seventeen long years.  I’ve had people that I know prophesy that I would receive a favorable answer to that one petition.  I’ve even had people that I do not know speak into my life concerning the same prayer. The encouragement always gave me hope to keep praying.  I firmly believe that even though I cannot see God’s hand at work, His work never ends.

Have I lost faith over the years?  Yes, but I never lost hope.  I tried to tell myself that it did not matter whether I received my request or not.  I even asked the Lord to take the desire away and when He did not, I saw that as a wait. On the days my faith was at an all time low, I found myself crying out to God, begging Him for an answer, but no answer came.  Not until Monday and His answer was “no.”

After being silent for so long and seemingly ignoring my many nights of tears and petitions, my heavenly Father who loves me said “no.”  It was a soft, gentle, and loving answer, but it still cut through my heart like a knife.  I didn’t know how to respond right away because I was surprised.  I just knew after years of praying, receiving prophesies, His answer would be different.

After recovering from the shock, tears rolled down my face as I continued to kneel on the floor of my bedroom.  I cried silently as my heart responded, “Not my will Lord, your will be done.”  I told my Father that although I did not understand His answer and I was hurt that I would not be given the thing I had waited so long for, I knew that He loved me.

Suddenly this scripture came to mind, “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

Again, I was at a loss for words.  I dried my face and dressed for work.  While driving I kept hearing the word, “no” over and over as if solidifying the answer.  My mind was all over the place and moving past “no” answer will take some time.  It also means having to make changes to plans for my future.  I am sad, but my soul is at peace.

I don’t know if I will one day wake up and be angry with God for the answer He gave me.  In that, answer I lost the one last desire I thought would change my life for the better.  I don’t know if I will cry, “no fair!” out of a place of hurt, but I do know that I will continue to seek the face of my Father because His plan for my life is greater and better than anything I can pray for.  I may have nights of tears before me, but the one who dried my tears in the past will be there for me in the future.

My natural man may be suffering, but my spirit man is rejoicing because I finally got an answer.  It is well with my soul.  I do not have to pray or fast for this answer anymore.  I can spend time and energy on that which God has purposed for me going forward.  I do not believe in destiny and I don’t spend time dreaming lofty dreams because I am a woman of purpose and I trust my Father.  The rest of my days shall be the best of my days.  How do I move past “no?”  By doing what I do every day, placing my love, trust and obedience in the one who has never failed me.

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 21 Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20 & 21 (NLT)