Tag Archives: united

America Land of the Free?

America Land of the Free?

America, the land of the free, the home of the brave.  For generations people have dreamed of living in America.  Many even sacrifice all to journey to the promised land, the place where they hope for opportunities, a good life and a chance for new beginnings.  Those who dare to leave home, family and friends dream of freedom, being able to thrive as well as live in peace.

I believe every one shares the desire for freedom from a toddler learning how to walk, talk and read for the first time to the elderly individual who finds themselves moving at a slower pace.   My own personal desire for freedom has taught me that  true freedom comes from believing in and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  That freedom teaches responsibility and stewardship. That freedom brings families together, not tear them apart. That freedom compels us to love everyone, period!

Freedom in Christ allows all who believe in Him to enjoy life under the protection of the Almighty, Eternal LORD. It compels believers to care for others without expecting recompense.

That freedom causes those who have never even heard of Christ to feed those who are hungry or clothe the naked. Why? Because Father God has placed in each of us His essence, His DNA if you will. It is that thing inside of us that compels us to reach out to others. You can’t get away from it but you can ignore it and refuse to obey it. The essence of God calls to us every day to do something to make this world, the lives we touch better.

Man’s flawed illusion of freedom is dangerous. It teaches selfishness and devalues the importance of stewardship and commitment. Mankind was given a mandate by God to take care of this earth as well as the commandment to love one another.

Love…God’s love is true freedom. I’ve heard people say love does not cost us anything but that is not true. The God kind of love (Agape) costs you your vanity, selfish desires and independence. When you love God’s way you put others before yourself. You appreciate this beautiful earth by taking care of it, not raping it of all its resources. Not sucking all the life from it and ripping it apart.

Somewhere between instant foods, microwaves, cell phones, snap chat, instagram and Facebook, humans have lost touch with humanity.

Instant gratification, the search for eternal youth, and the lust for wealth have distracted people from the things that matter to God…life.

Only through catastrophes, shocking abuses and financial disaster is mankind reminded of who we are. Once things calm down, justice has been served and the emergencies are over it is back to dysfunctional business as usual.

How many of us witness the atrocities of this world and say nothing? How many reach into checking and savings accounts to help those affected by disaster? I’ve heard this most of my life, if you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything.

I agree that America has lost some of her glory but it has nothing to do with who crosses our borders and everything to do with the condition of our hearts, values and beliefs. To whom much is given, much is required. America thrived for centuries because many slaved, fought, sacrificed and died for her.

What are we going to do to preserve their legacies?